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Author Events in 2004
Here's a schedule of a few events where Merna Forster appeared in 2004.
- Book Signing at Tea Celebrating Ottawa Women
Ottawa, Ontario
October 24, 2004
The author sold autographed copies of 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces at a special event sponsored by the Ottawa Council of Women. A tea to celebrate Ottawa women was held at the National Art Exhibit Honouring Canadian Women, and included a performance on the "Famous Five". The event took place from 2-4 pm., at the Ukranian Orthodox Church, 1000 Byron Avenue. A portion of the proceeds from book sales was donated to the Ottawa Council of Women.
 Merna Forster with Ted Shimizu, whose step-mother is featured in the book Photo by G.Purdy, copyright M. Forster | Book Launch in Ottawa, Ontario November 6, 2004
Merna launched her new book 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces at the National Press Club in Ottawa, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. More than eighty enthusiastic guests attended the event, and bought many an autographed copy of the book as Christmas gifts! Participants munched away on the great food provided by the Press Club, as they had a look at the interesting two-page spread on the book that was featured in The Ottawa Citizen, chatted and watched a slide show about great Canadian women. Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the book launch and the great Canadian women profiled in the new publication.
- Presentation for Canadian Federation of University Women
Ottawa, Ontario
November 8, 2004
 Merna Forster at the CFUW meeting. Photo by G.Purdy, copyright M. Forster | Merna Forster was the guest speaker at the November meeting of the Canadian Federation of University Women, Ottawa Chapter. Merna gave a presentation to CFUW members on the topic of "Notable Women in Canadian History". The meeting took place at St. Tomothy's Presbyterian Church, 2400 Alta Vista Drive at 7:30 pm. What a great audience! And these ladies seemed very pleased to take home armfuls of autographed copies of the book for Christmas presents! CFUW members also provided a lot of great ideas for reaching young girls through presentations for Girl Guide leaders and schools. For the event announcement see the CFUW/Ottawa November 2004 newsletter. To read a one-page report about the presentation see the CFUW/Ottawa December 2004 newsletter, on page 4.
"Merna's delightful presentation was uplifting and the entire audience was enthralled with her lovely recollections into the amazing lives of these women."
Barbara Evans
CFUW member
- Television Interview on the New RO
Ottawa, Ontario
November 10, 2004, 6:50 a.m.
Seems like a lot of you watched Merna in an early morning interview on the New RO (Channel 5/Cable 6). Viewers tuned in for a chat about 100 Famous Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces. The New RO is an independent television station operating in the National Capital Region. Here are a few comments from listeners:
"I saw you on Breakfast at the New RO and was captivated! Thank you for such a wonderful book. I believe every Canadian woman (and Man!) should own one!"
Mona Hopkins
Pembroke, Ontario
"I heard about the book 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces this morning at the New RO. It is now on my Christmas list and I am looking forward to reading it."
Guylaine Pare
- CBC Radio Interview on "Ontario Today" Show
November 10, 2004
Merna was one of the guests interviewed on the show. Thanks for the many emails listeners sent to this website after the program! Here are a few:
"I heard your inspiring interview today on CBC and am so glad that you have contacted the Girl Guides of Canada about the book. It has been difficult over the years to find good information on Canadian Women to present to the girls. You have rescued us from talking about Laura Secord once again this year. It is not that Laura Secord was not a great example of an heroic Canadian woman, it is just that we prefer to show the girls that there are many, many great Canadian women. Thank you, thank you."
Sandy Eathorne
Toronto, Ontario
"I heard the interview with Merna Forster on CBC radio yesterday. I'm looking forward to reading her book. It's about time we had a book like this!"
Nepean, Ontario
"I heard Merna on CBC "Ontario Today" about a half hour ago and think this book is definitely long overdue!"
Denise Barry
Richmond Hill, Ontario
"I heard your interview on CBC...Canadians need to hear more about their "her"oines. "His"tory was written by men, and it's about time this changed!"
Audrey Toews
Kenora, Ontario
- CBC Radio Interview on the "Partyliners", Information Morning
November 15, 2004
Nova Scotia
If you're in Nova Scotia hope you didn't miss an interview with Merna on the "Partyliners" segment of Information Morning. Merna was scheduled to be on the air about 6:20 a.m. AST.
- Radio Interview on "Holder Tonight", CJAD-AM 800
November 17, 2004
Montreal listeners could tune into the "Holder Tonight" program at 8:35 p.m. to hear an interview with Merna Forster. The show Holder Tonight is hosted by Peter Anthony Holder .
"It ws a pleasure to have you on the program to talk about your book 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces, and to share some of the stories of the women of Canadian history. As I mentioned to you on the program, this would be an excellent book to have in the school systems to let youngsters (and their parents) know about the women of this country in our past."
Peter Anthony Holder
- Interview on CKCU's Literary Landscape
November 18, 2004, 6:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Ottawa, Ontario
Merna was the guest of Jane Crosier, host of CKCU's "Literary Landscape". CKCU - FM 93.1 is Ottawa's community radio station, based at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. Every Thursday evening Jane interviews an author on her program. For further information about the program email Jane at janecrosier@hotmail.com or check the CKCU website.
- CBC Radio: "Ontario Today"
December, 2004
Merna will be sharing the stories of three notable Ontario women in the upcoming weeks, so be sure to check the schedule for Ontario Today.
- Interview on CKCU's "Friday Special Blend"
Dec. 3, 2004, 7:10 a.m.
Ottawa, Ontario
The author was the guest of Susan Johnston on CKCU's "Friday Special Blend". CKCU - FM 93.1 is Ottawa's community radio station. For more information about the program check the CKCU website.
Book Signing at Ottawa Book Fair
Dec. 3-5, 2004
 Merna Forster and Don Atkinson Copyright M. Forster |
The author autographed copies of 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces at Ottawa's Second Annual Book Fair. More than one hundred local writers particiipated in the event. It was organized by Ottawa Independent Writers and Baico Publishing, and co-sponsored with the Library and Archives of Canada.
 Kim Campbell (L) with Merna Forster (R). Copyright M. Forster | Unveiling of the Official Portrait of The Right Honourable Kim Campbell, 19th Prime Minister of Canada November 30, 2004
Centre Block, Parliament Hill
Ottawa, Ontario
Merna was one of the many guests who had the honour of attending the unveiling of the portrait of Canada's first female prime minister. The official portrait of The Right Honourable Kim Campbell will hang in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill. Ms. Campbell wrote the foreword of Merna's book 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces.
- CBC Radio Nova Scotia: "MainStreet"
December, 2004-January 2005
Nova Scotia
Merna shared the stories of some of the women featured in her book 100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces. This was a ten-part series, beginning in December. More on the MainStreet show.
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