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![]() This is a selective list of online resources to assist you in conducting research or just discovering more about women in Canadian history.
From The Applied History Research Group, Department of History, University of Calgary. Has list of links to images of Calgary and Southern Alberta, with a section on women. Comprehensive listing of more than 800 archival institutions across Canada; all holdings can be searched. CP Picture Archive The CN Photo Collection includes 750,000 images. A few are available here online, and not many woman appear in the images. Developed by the Canadian Institute for Historical Reproductions, a bilingual site which provides access to early printed Canadian materials such as books and periodicals. Many relate to women in Canadian history. Many images online. Great source of images of women in Canadian history. Some reference photos online. Re the archival collections on women in Canadian history, the National Archives of Canada publishes a free guide book that describes the material it holds relating to individual women and groups of women: Women’s Archives Guide. The Nova Scotia Museums Mi'kmaq Portraits database. Nelson School Reference http://www.nelson.com/nelson/school/schoolref.html Nelson Thomson Learning site provides large collection of images of people in Canadian history, including some women. Site also has a Canadian Documents collection. Includes Women’s Patriotic Association images. Supported by Nurses Association of New Brunswick. Includes some nice online exhibits relating to Canadian women settlers in the Peterborough area, Nursing Sister Helen Fowilds (World War I) and a database relating to women and the law in 19th century Ontario. Has papers of Gladys Arnold, only Canadian correspondent in France when WWII broke out. Associations Site includes reviews of new books, news and links to nursing history sites. Affiliated with the Canadian Historical Association. Goals include promoting teaching and researching in the field of women’s history; disseminating info about sources, current research and publications; encouraging the preservation of archival sources in women’s history; linking researchers, professors, teachers and students; monitoring the status of women in the historical profession and working to raise that status. Activities include Newsletter and Directory, adjudicating the Hilda Neatby Prize; promoting meetings and conferences; sponsoring sessions on women’s history at Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Created to honor the five women involved in the ‘Persons’ Case, the site includes biographies, learning products and programs,info on special events. Historic Achievements Includes short fact file on history of the Women’s Institutes, which began in Ontario, and a summary history of the organization in Canada. Bibliographies/Databases Click on Japanese Canadians in Canadian History for a bibliography. References for a few films as well as publications. International Institute of Social History. ViVa Women’s History Database contains bibliographic records describing more than 5400 articles published between 1975 and 2000. Some pertain to women in Canadian history. Lengthy list of links relating to women around the world, with headings as varied as Abortion, Archives, Art and Music, Bibliographies, Biography, Book Reviews. Global Feminism, Witch Trials, Law and Feminist Jurisprudence, Violence Against Women. A few links to material re women in Canadian history, but more valuable in exploring women’s issues/contributions in the world. Discussion Lists The CCWH has a listserv for members. PAR-L (Policy, Action, Research List) is a bilingual, electronic network of individuals and organizations interested in women-centred policy issues in Canada. It is a support for the community of feminist researchers and activists in Canada and Quebec. PAR-L was founded as an email list in 1995 by the former Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women and now operates from the University of New Brunswick in Frederiction. PARL's mission is to promote women's equality by using new electronic means for networking and for discussing and distributing feminist research and strategies for action in English and French. A discussion group about the history of women throughout the world, whose members include professional historians, librarians and teachers. One of many discussion groups belonging to H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine. Free, open to anyone with serious interest in women`s history. Films/Videos/Television Videocassettes of a television series developed by History Television and Historica.Canadian women featured include: La Bolduc, Ruby Keeler, Ma Murray, Klondike Kate,Pauline Johnson, Emily Murphy, Agnes Macphail, Rose Fortune. This site permits viewing of the excellent Historica Minutes (one-minute videos), including many which focus on women in Canadian history. Check current listings for programming that may be scheduled on women in Canadian history. Consult this site for a lengthy list of National Film Board of Canada productions.Features on the history of Canadian women can of course be found under topics like Women, Women-Portraits and History as well as others. Site describes episodes in this television series, as well as background information, info on ordering videos, suggestions for class activities, etc. Some women are featured in the series, including Martha Black and Mary Ann Shadd. French site. Distribution center for independent films and videos produced by women in Quebec since 1973. Television program for Canadian women. Consult listings for programming that may feature women in Canadian history. Quizes French site. From the Government of Quebec, National Archives of Quebec. Excellent historical game, which describes Quebec history by themes. Informative texts, interesting archival photos, maps, etc. Questions to answer for each page of info. Some material related to women, such as under The Colonization of New France (The Presence of Women), Quebec Between 1896 and 1945 (Feminism and Union Movement, The Two World Wars) and The Duplessi Era (Baby Boom). From the Library and Archives Canada. Quiz from the Pay Equity Commission. Quiz developed by the Status of Women Canada. Genealogy If you are interested in learning more about the history of women (and men) in your family, here are a few links to get you started. You’ll soon discover that there are thousands (millions?) of on-line sites to do your research. A site produced by the Library and Archives of Canada. Info on how to get started, resources, etc. Pan-Canadian Contains short bios and photos of a few female doctors. Profiles ot Canadian scientists, including some women.In 2004 there were 177 profiles, of which 18% were for female scientists. Site has short bios of three women: Jeanne Mance, Marie Rollett-Hébert, Madeleine de Verchères. From the National Library of Canada, bilingual. Site is an exhibition from Herstory: The Canadian Women’s Calendar, from 1974-1995. Under the headings of Society, Arts & Leisure, Professions and Politics, has photos and a few sentences of info about many interesting women in Canadian history. Created through Canada’s Digital Collections program. Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada. Provides links to all biographies located on the WebSite; many in the list are women. From PAR-L, A Canadian Electronic Feminist Network. Milestones from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. Site includes 95 portraits of Canadian women of achievement, taken 1974-1977 by photographer John Reeves. Bilingual site from Veteran’s Affairs Canada. A wealth of historical info here, in headings such as History, Records & Collections, Past Features, Articles and Links. Interesting exhibits on history of women in such features as Canadian Nursing Sisters (including video clips, many photos) and My Grandmother’s War Time Diary. Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada, featuring profiles of Canadian women under categories such as Sport, Activism, Book Trade, Politics, Librarianship and Bibliography, Society, Music and Literature. Provincial/Territorial Sites Alberta Site from Department of History, University of Calgary. An online tutorial with 14 chapters, and 180 files. Interesting section on the history of women in Calgary and Southern Alberta; timeline and five thematic exhibits. British Columbia Includes intro text, biographies, teachers info and suggested activities, list of resources. A Digital Timeline of 2nd Wave Feminism in the West Kootenays. Manitoba Includes biographies and photos of many Manitoba women. Interesting site featuring Manitoba history 1910-1920. Photo library has a great collection of over 2,000 images, including many of women. Organized by themes such as Gender and Women’s Images, Home Life, Economics and Commerce. Co-creation of River East School Division and the University of Manitoba. New Brunswick From the Virtual Museum of Canada. Excellent bilingual site on the Atlantic Canada Portal. From the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick. From the University of New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador Site about voluntary women's groups in Torbay, Newfoundland, from the Virtual Museum of Canada. Site about Labrador history. Homespun character, includes some stories by and about women in Labrador. Northwest Territories From the Status of Women Council, NWT Nova Scotia Site about a pioneer of studio pottery in Nova Scotia, from the Virtual Museum of Canada. Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women site. Short bios. The Diary of Louisa Collins. Nunavut Ontario See the illustrated Gallery of Greats. Prince Edward Island Quebec French site about the women who contributed to the building of Montreal. English text, from virtual Museum of New France, Canadian Museum of Civilization. Site outlines the history of women and girls sent as brides to New France, 1663-1673. French site featuring chronological history of women in Quebec. A site developed by Dorothy Nixon. Site includes information about the Nicholson Family, included Margaret Nicholson and her daughters Edith, Marion and Flora. Features many family letters, poems and photographs. Saskatchewan From the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre From the Metis Culture and Heritage Resource Centre Inc. Yukon Article from the Klondike Weekly re two pioneers. This site brings together a lot of information about notable women in the history of the north, including those outside Canada. Organized under categories such as explorers/pioneers, elders/teachers, artists, athletes, etc. Article by Ken Spotswood. Walking Tours A virtual Women's History Walk Through Old St. John's, Newfoundland. A Heritage Partner Project of the Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Web Site and the Women’s History Group at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Events Christmas, Hanukkah 2010 race, YouTube. TV clip from CBC Archives on Nov. 30, 1980. Le Vieux Québec sous la neige YouTube. in Vancouver International Women's Day A key site for celebration of Women’s History Month in Canada. Includes news releases, info sheets, suggested activities, list of films and publications, calendar of events. Women's History Month in Canada This small website is a project of the Canadian Women's History Month Committee, a volunteer group. Includes readings, resources, celebrations, and events in Victoria, B.C. A key site for celebrations of Women’s History Month in Canada. Includes annual theme, information kit, statistics, list of events, a quiz, list of films and other resources. Includes info on events and notable women in the history of B.C. Subject Index Aboriginal From the Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Centre Profiles of some dynamic Aboriginal Women in Canada today. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada site. National Library of Canada site Short bios and audio samples of songs by Aboriginal women who came together at Sleeping Buffalo Mountain in Banff, Alberta in 1997. Article from new internationalist issue 226 - December 1991.Phoebe Nahanni talks to women elders in Canada’s Northwest Territories about the critical work of passing on native customs. Produced by Communications Division, Veterans Affairs Canada (1993). Includes short reference to native nurses in wars: see Nurse Overseas. Very interesting site with variety of interviews and articles, including some about Innu women in history. Eg. Mary Madeline Nuna Talks About Shaking Tents and Anikunapeu (the Toadman); Innu Tea Dolls; Interview with Mary Jane Pasteen (born 1875), Etutak Utiniunt - A Way of Life: Sheilagh Harvey's Exhibition of Paintings of Labrador Innu (with a wonderful collection of water colours and lithographs). Turtle Island Native News Network. Spotlight on First Nation, Aboriginal and Métis Women. Lots of links. Interviews with Saskatchewan Indian elders, including many women. Photos. Illustrated academic essay by Carol Williams, PhD., University of Northern British Columbia : Photographic Portraiture of Aboriginal Women on Canada’s Northwest Coast Circa. Studies the photographic portraits of two Tsimshian women from Fort Simpson. Activists Biographies, photos and reading lists are included on this National Library of Canada site. Bilingual. Status of Women Canada site. Includes history of The Persons Case, criteria for award, nomination form, etc. Art Site about a pioneer of studio pottery in Nova Scotia, from the Virtual Museum of Canada. Bilingual site from the Library and Archives Canada. Includes biographies of various women. Aviation Encourages more women to become involved in the aviation industry. Asian Black History A site from York University. Includes profiles of women. From the Archives of Ontario. Includes a list of print, audio visual and archival sources re black history. From the Quebec English Schools Network.Some resources relating to women. Chinese Site based on a historical exhibit from the Metropolitan Toronto Reference Library. Clothing/Historic Costumes Site of Bata Shoe Museum, located in Toronto, which has over 10,000 pairs of shoes! Under Collections you’ll find exhibits about historic footwear (much relating to women) such as North American Indian and History of Western Fashion. Site from the Costume Museum of Canada in Manitoba, which has a collection of 35,000 artifacts. Online Costume Collections shows just a handful. Actual visitors (but not virtual ones) can arrange educational visits for classes, fashion shows and Victorian parties. Canadian Museum of Civilization exhibit re three fancy dress balls held in 1896, 1897 and 1898, in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal; presided over by Lady Aberdeen. Canadian Museum of Civilization exhibit, including features on fashion and image, identify and belonging, hat lore, bibliography and links. Bilingual site for McCord Museum in Montreal. Online section on the collections shows a few items re costumes and textiles, such as a photo of a wedding gown from 1763. From the Mennonite Historical Society of Canada. Check the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, then do a search. Entertainment Website for stand-up comedian. Icelandic Includes some info on Icelandic women in Canada, such as in the Literature section. Japanese Sewing and dressmaking in the Japanese Canadian community, from the Virtual Museum of Canada. Jewish A CBC site featuring many video and audio clips. From the Virtual Museum of Canada. From the Jewish Women's Archive An excellent site from the Jewish Women's Archive An article by Norma Baumel Joseph. Journalism Book review. Law Article by Abby Bushy, covering the period 1919-1950. Librarianship Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada. Literature A review of the book The Oxford Book of Stories by Canadian Women in English by Rosemary Sullivan. Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada, includes bios of two women: Susanna Moodie and E. Pauline Johnson. This site developed by Mary Mark Ockerbloom features a list of hundreds of Canadian women authors. Information provided varies from just birth and death dates, to short bios and a photo, links, list of publications, and in some cases actual texts from the authors. This is sometimes done through linking to existing sites. Biographies of Canadian women, from the National Library of Canada. Bilingual. Medicine Elizabeth Bagshaw, Medical director of the first birth control clinic in Canada Article on women in medicine at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. Mennonites Music A large site featuring biographies of many female Canadians. Biographies of Canadian women, from the National Library of Canada. Bilingual. Nursing Site includes reviews of new books, news and links to nursing history sites. From the Canadian Museum of Civilization at Civilization.ca. Includes information on some of the artifacts and document about nursing at the Canadian Museum of Civilization and the Canadian War Museum, bibliography, brief history of nursing in Canada, suggestions for further studies, nursing schools, etc. Brief history. Letters home from a Canadian nurse in France, 1914-1917. Veterans Affairs Canada site. Includes video clips, many photos. Produced by Communications Division, Veterans Affairs Canada (1993). Includes short reference to native nurses in wars: see Nurse Overseas. From the Canadian Museum of Civilization. Biographical info about Ethel Johns, the first director of the School of Nursing, the University of British Columbia, and the archival collection relating to her. Very short history on the University of British Columbia School of Nursing. A bilingual website produced as a Centennial project of the United Nurses of Alberta and the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses. Includes timeline, photos, video and information about nursing history in Alberta and Saskatchewan organized by themes. Politics Despite the title, also links to biographies of women in federal politics.Bilingual site from the National Archives of Canada and National Library of Canada. Official website of Canada's 19th Prime Minister. Article from Athabasca University, 2002. Bilingual site from Canadian Parliamentary Review. From the Parliament of Canada. From the Parliament of Canada. Publishing, Book Selling, etc. Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada. Sports Bilingual site from the National Library of Canada and National Archives of Canada, with 16 profiles of notable women in sports. Site of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity. Includes milestones, women's sport history, lists of medallists and influential women in sport and physical activity. Very interesting site with lots of info, photos and links. Created by Andria Hunter, who played on Canada's gold medal women's hockey team at the Women's World Hockey Championships in 1992 and in 1994. You can also check out her web sites on Canadian women in Inline Hockey, Roller Hockey, Ball Hockey, Broomball, and Ringette. Suffrage Movement An exhibit from Herstory at the University of Saskatchewan. From the National Council of Women. Science and Engineering, Inventions Includes biographies of Canadian scientists, including many women. War National Library of Canada site. Includes several sections on women. From Veterans Affairs Canada. Includes short reference to native nurses in wars: see Nurse Overseas. Bilingual site from Veteran’s Affairs Canada. A wealth of historical info here, in headings such as History, Records & Collections, Past Features, Articles and Links. Interesting exhibits on history of women in such features as Canadian Nursing Sisters (including video clips, many photos) and My Grandmother’s War Time Diary. |
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